Did you follow that? If you did, and if you have a will, then you are my hero. Even though I am married, and more importantly, I have a kid, I cannot bring myself to do a will. Why? Well, one reason is one that is shared by many: I am too freaked out that once I do it, then something will happen. Is this irrational? Of course it is. I can hear Dave Ramsey saying it is silly (maybe he said stupid) not to do a will out of fear of dying because you are going to die eventually anyway. Does not matter; still a thought in my head. Another reason I am will-less is because I am frugal. I am happy to say that I have somewhat counteracted this reason (not the frugality) by purchasing a will kit online via Dave Ramsey for something like $25 at the end of last year. I assume it will be official, although I am guessing it may have to be notarized. The last thing keeping me from doing my will is sheer laziness mixed with indecisiveness. This will kit came with about a half dozen documents th...
The various, and usually long-winded, thoughts that swim around my head.