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I am not talking about the TV show "Community," which I particularly like. Rather I am talking about an interacting population of various kinds of individuals in a common location. The key words being interacting and common.

Last month, in between school drop off and semi-monthly school mass, I starting visiting a small coffee shop a few blocks from Jordan's school. The first time I went to this place, I instantly liked it. The friendly owner chatted with me; and as others walked in, it was clear the owner knew pretty much everyone and what they typically ordered. There were four people who were there during my 45-minute stay, and I felt comfortable enough to join in on part of a conversation. I discovered the two women walk around town before coming in for their morning joe, and one was married to a guy who arrived later.

This past Monday, I decided to walk to the place. It was a beautiful crisp morning, and I figured if I was going to down a few hundred calories, the least I could do is burn off a couple dozen. When I got there, I commiserated with the owner about the Steelers game. And when the two walkers came in, I told them how they inspired me to arrive on foot.

Each time I leave this place, rather than despair over spending a couple of bucks that I probably should not (Dave Ramsey would never approve), I rejoice in what I am gaining. Real, live, human interaction. Grousing about the Steelers and heralding the weather (both rather atypical this time of year). And supporting a local business, where I am more than just an orderer.

In some ways, the blogging community is like that. Yesterday, two of the blogs I follow "connected" with each other, if you will. I noticed under My Blog List that "That's Church" had a post entitled "Callapitter" which is another blog I follow. Ginny of "That's Church" and her followers gave a whole lotta love and support to Amy of "Callapitter." If anyone deserves those things, it is Amy.

I much prefer talking to people in person; there is much more to be gained, IMO. But there is something special about the connection of a blogging community. Sometimes it is easier to let your guard down, share more, be raw.

Either way, I am all for interaction and sharing common ground. Ah, community.


Anonymous said…
Thats great that you go to this place and have your sense of community. Seems much bettter than Starbucks!

Blogs are good too and I am glad that Amy is finding online support. But I am with you when it comes to face to face interaction. Many of us need to slow down and realize they are other people out there.
chris h. said…
Working from home, I am alone so much. I really miss the interaction with work friends. I'm sure I would frequent a local coffee shop, if we had one. (Besides, it's so important to support local businesses over "the chains.") I look forward to yoga class every week just to be out and see my classmates. And I really enjoy my virtual friendships and interaction. Keeps me somewhat sane. Sometimes a cup of coffee is more than a cup of coffee.
Facie said…
Anon, I have nothing against Starbucks, but I do much prefer, as Chris said, supporting a local business.

And, Chris, I like your "sometimes a cup of coffee is more than a cup of coffee." I had a frappe at McD's in Robinson Town Center, and it was just that, nothing like what I get from the local place.

I keep visiting Amy's blog and am heartened to see how many people have commented. Pittsburgh really is a great city (though some of those commenting are not from here).
Sherri said…
Agree - on all points. Without my community - neighbors, school acquaintances, people I know through other people, etc. - I wouldn't have any sense of support at all (having a pretty scattered family and all that entails). Loved your post.

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