I have a handful of thought in my head (and by a handful, I think I mean about 30). So rather than try to pick one topic, I am going to bullet point some. Let's see how many "some" actually ends up being...
- When the Penguins are done with hockey, so am I. I am not even sure who is still playing and if we are down to the final teams. I think the Rangers are or were in it. But that is all I know. I really like hockey, but as a true Pens fan who watches pretty much every single game, starting in October, once the Pens are done, I typically have had enough.
- Let the record show that I rarely complained this winter. So many people talked about how hard/bad the winter was. I did not see it that way. I am guessing that is because I drove to work this winter, unlike last winter, when I found myself waiting for the bus in frigid temps quite a bit. Even 5 or 6 minutes in windchills at -5 or even 0 degrees tends to bring you down. So this winter was like a picnic in comparison. In fact, I said at least a half dozen times that I wanted that one nice (as in 8 to 10 inches) snowstorm; we never got more than 6 inches at a time.
- Not surprisingly, I don't love the heat. Temps in the 70s are great. Temps in the low 80s when the humidity is low are also good. Beyond that? I tend to complain. Sorry.
- I can't stand when people act holier than though or complain about others when they themselves are guilty of similar things. I honestly thought the Duggars, unlike Jon and Kate Plus 8, were a decent family. They were way too conservative for me, and I did not agree with their views of having children (i.e., not using birth control), their courtship "rules," and the wives' place, but they just seemed like good people. My view has completely changed after it has come out that one of the sons molested some young girls, including his sisters. Sigh.
- I believe in having fun when you can. That is why last week, I convinced two coworkers to moonwalk past another coworker's desk with me, flash-mob style. It was not rehearsed or well thought out, and two of us did run into each other. But it was fun. So much so, that I convinced the coworker that we "flash mobbed" to join the three of us to flash mob a fourth coworker to "Uptown Funk" the next day. I, not surprisingly got into it a little too much.
- Even though I still regret having one child (and I think about it at least once a week), I have found a (slight) way to (almost) make peace with it. Our new dog, Bailey, is pretty crazy. She is full of energy and comes at us (mostly me) full speed and jumps on us quite forcefully. As a result, I am often bruised and scratched. And I have told her no fewer than 50 times that "You are nothing like Sadie" or "Why can't you be more like Sadie" or "I love you but I don't like you like I liked Sadie." Although I really don't think I would compare a second child to the first (or vice-versa) in that negative of a way, if I tell myself I would, well, then I can feel that much more okay about having just one kid. :-)
- There are good people in this world. I know this. I have always know this. But sometimes when I get down and see so much bad and negativity, I can almost forget that. Fortunately, the little things that people do remind me of this. And these things remind me that I need to continue to do the right thing (knowing that I am not perfect and will sometimes fail). Doing the right thing or even just a little "good" thing may not matter to 100 or even 10 people. But even if it matters to just one person (and even if that person is only I), well, that is something.