I sometimes worry my kid will grow up and not care about church or God (or at the very least, never make it through mass without moving around, complaining, or asking me when church is going to be over). I am trying to remember what it was like for me at her age, and I think I believed in God even at 3, though I cannot imagine how that is possible. Around that time, my father's grandmother Sittu died, and ever since , when I think of heaven, I think of Sittu up in the sky (actually, I think she is lying down), looking down at all of us. That image of heaven has served me well all these years. In my heaven, you are able to see everyone you love, but you are not actually with them, and somehow that is okay; you don't need or want to. This view would work nicely for a widow or widower who has since remarried. That person may be wondering whom he or she will end up with in heaven (and years ago someone told me he had this very worry). And the answer is both, at least insofar as you...
The various, and usually long-winded, thoughts that swim around my head.