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Showing posts from August, 2014

Sometimes it is easier to focus on others' problems

Let me start off by saying I have much to be thankful and grateful for. And I am mostly positive and optimistic, so that helps.  Some days (mostly, fortunately, just hours or even shorter periods), I feel frustrated. Angry. Sad. Other things. I might yell. I most likely will cuss. Sometimes I even cry. I wonder how things got that way. Why this happened to me. When things will get better.  I like things to make sense. I believe people should treat others as well as animals and nature with kindness and/or respect. To this day, I just don't understand why people do otherwise unless they have been badly provoked (for the record, I am pretty sure the empty McDonald's bag you just threw on the street did not provoke you, but I could be mistaken). I don't get it when people are always negative and can't see the upside to anything. I get annoyed when people complain about things and do nothing to try to change the situation. I don't understand why it is so hard for people